So You're Headed To Assisted Living? 7 Ways To Stay Busy, Productive, And Content

If you're like most folks entering the golden years of life and facing the challenges of aging, you don't want to leave your own home under any circumstances. However, oftentimes, this transition becomes necessary, due to safety and wellness reasons. While it may not be easy to give up the home you've lived in and loved for so long, the more positive you are about the situation, the better it will turn out for you.

2 Clues That Your Elderly Loved One Is Ready To Move To A Senior Independent Living Facility

If you have an aging parent or other senior you love, then you may have a good idea of clues to look for that signal they would be healthier and happier living in a nursing facility than in their home alone. Seniors typically move into a nursing home when they are experiencing health problems that they need daily treatment for, are developing dementia, and/or are experiencing mobility problems. However, if the senior you love is still relatively healthy, mobile, and has been lucky enough to not develop dementia, then you may wonder when to suggest that they make a move to senior independent living facility.

Commonly Requested Institutional Medicaid Documents

If your loved one needs to be placed in a nursing home, but they don't have enough resources to pay for long-term care, he or she can apply for Medicaid. All institutional Medicaid applications must go through the local County Board of Social Services. Timing is essential when applying for institutional Medicaid because retroactive eligibility is limited to three months. People often have questions about the documents and forms required to apply for Medicaid, and the short time frame often makes people flustered.