Three Ways To Make Parting With Your Home & Moving Into Assisted Living Easier
Moving out of your home can be difficult, no matter the reason. Downsizing from a home that you have lived in for years and moving into an assisted living facility can be an emotional transition. Luckily, there are steps you can take to help ease the transition between the place you call home now and your new home in an assisted living community.
1. Create a Scrapbook of Memories
When it comes to moving into an assisted living facility, it can be hard to say goodbye to all the memories that you have in your old home, which is why you should create a scrapbook of memories. It can take a little while to create a scrapbook of memories, but you can start the process before you move and finish up the scrapbook once you are in your new home.
For this memory scrapbook, you are going to want to take pictures of things that hold memories for you. For example, if you have a wall where you measured your children's growth over the years, take some pictures of the wall. In the scrapbook, you can add a story about the wall with the picture.
Take pictures of items and objects that hold memories for you and write down the memories. You can pair up your written memories with the pictures, allowing you to carry with you the memories of your old home and belongings while making it easier to let go of your home and the belongings you can't bring with you.
2. Pick a Few Favorite Things to Bring with You
When you move into an assisted living center, you are not going to have as much space as you did in your home. That is why you need to go through your home and pick a few furniture items and a few decorations that you really love to bring with you. First, choosing the items that mean the most to you, that you want to bring with you no matter what, can help you downsize from there and decide what you need to get rid of and what else you can bring with you.
3. Have a Grand Going Away Party
Finally, celebrate the life you had in your house, and celebrate the new life that is in front of you. You can do this by having a grand going away party. Invite the people who have shared memories with you in your home to the party. This is a great way to let everyone who matters in your life know that you are moving into an assisted living facility and a great way to say goodbye to your old home in style.
When moving from a family home into an assisted living facility, it can be tough to say goodbye. Create a scrapbook of memories that you can bring with you and move the items you love the most into your new home. Throw an epic going away party in order to say goodbye to your family home.